Sunday, December 15, 2013

From Cardboard Challenge to Niehaus Arcade....

We did it! We made it through our review week... and, of course, the best part was the Cardboard Challenge. We have been waiting for a long time to actually complete this activity. 

Check out my activity here as a freebie: TPT: Cardboard Challenge

So, we started the project with the "problem" that Toys 'R Us was looking for toys that were made from recycled materials. The students had to solve the problem by brainstorming a list of ideas for the toys or games that they could create. Kids were given the option to work by themselves or with a partner. After brainstorming and selection their choice, they had to draw what they anticipated it would look like, label it, and then prepare a list of materials. After they had passed those sections, they were given the clearance to go ahead and start building!!!
We started the project on Tuesday, and ended on Friday. We had about an hour each day to work. After projects were finished, students had to write a set of instructions or directions for play, and then record a commercial "selling" their product using persuasive language, and facts and opinions. On Friday, we only had a few minutes to clean up anything that needed fixing, and then in the afternoon, we played! The kids were able to walk around and try out other games. They had so much fun, and it was great to see them interacting and collaborating in such friendly ways. After playing, the kids wrote reflections about the project. Below are some quotes from their reflections, because some are too cute to not share! :)

"The best game I played was Hokey!" - Kevin

"I made a popcorn catch with Alexia H. It did work, but not the way I wanted it to work out. If we got to make a new one, I would build Smack the Penguin." - Alexia D.

"I had a good time doing the project. It was the best week of my life." - Kianna

"I liked Osvaldo's game the best. I liked it because of the designs and the color" - Javier

"We called our soccer game FIFA 14 but I accidentally wrote 19. When we finished, we had a lot of customers. I was getting tired." - Emmanuel

"I made a cool game. It did not work, but I am taking it home and making it even better!" - Alex N.

"I liked playing other people's games and looking at their ideas and getting to know them better!" - Shantal

"Cardboard Challenge was fun because you got to build something in your imagination that you always wanted to build before." - Joaquin

"I made a soccer game. It worked like a charm." - Kevin

And now... some pictures! :)

For me, the best part was listening to all of my kiddos talk and explore options and just use their creativity. They were able to just put their ideas out there and see what they were capable of. I loved listening to the conversations and debates. My next favorite part was watching them light up with pride when their project was finished and people were playing their game. They were all so proud of the work they created, and that's a feeling that they don't normally get to experience on a daily basis. It melted my heart! My third favorite part was being able to just sit back and listen and watch them get to know each other better through play. They were playing, but they were learning, ideas were sparking in their heads, and they were engaged with each other in so many ways. 

I think overall, we made the best of the situation we had. This was the only week that I could make it work with our schedule, and third quarter being so jam packed. It also worked well to be able to blend in some of the things we had learned in quarter 2 to justify the time spent away from "instructional time". The kids enjoyed themselves, and were able to use their creativity and share that with their peers. I think they became closer friends through the activity, and gained confidence in who they are and what they are capable of. I also hope they learned to be proud of their work.

Now, for the commercials. :) This is something I think I am most proud of in terms of the "project" we had to create around the Cardboard Challenge concept. In September, these kids wouldn't go anywhere NEAR a video camera; they wouldn't even talk to me to tell me what they learned or knew, let alone put it on camera for other people to see. To me, watching these videos shows a growth that can not be measured, tested, or compared. I am so proud, and I hope they will be just as proud when they are able to see this! :)

(I am missing two groups---I don't know where they got lost...maybe one of the ipads at school. I will add them to the overall video later! :)) 

Woohoo! We love the Cardboard Challenge. Be sure to check out Caine's Arcade, where we got our inspiration for our project! :) 

And our video .... complete with music selections by the kids - songs from the band of a guy I went to high school with. They LOVE him! :)

~Ms. Niehaus 

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