Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dr. Harry Wong

So... today, Wednesday, I had the opportunity to see Dr. Harry Wong speak at Grand Canyon University. WOW! Everyone in education knows Harry Wong, and every teacher knows that Harry Wong is celebrity status. Being in the same room as Dr. Wong is pretty spectacular. 
Now that I've said that, I must also admit that I wasn't exactly 100% completely committed and excited to be there today. At first! I LOVE my kids, and I HATE writing sub plans. So, the thought of missing a day with my kiddos, especially now during a crucial math week, was nerve-racking and stressful. I would have much rather spent the day in room 9. 
BUT, what I got at GCU today was several eye opening moments. I know Harry Wong, and I know effective teaching, BUT what I'm about to share is an entry into my mind, my heart, and my soul as a teacher, and the "Ah-ha" moments I had today as an educator and a person. 

1. As Dr. Wong was speaking, I thought about what I do in my classroom. Nearly everything he said and suggested and shared is something that I ALREADY do. 

2. All of those things I mentioned above CAN and SHOULD be perfected and made better suitable for my classroom and my practices. 
3. Reflecting on my teaching practice is so much more fun when I have someone like Dr. Harry Wong leading the way through my thoughts.
4. I began thinking about the ways that I could perfect and change what I already do in my classroom --- actually, I haven't stopped thinking about that -- and literally am SO excited to implement some new ideas just to re-iterate procedures and policies in room 9. 
5. Consistency is the greatest gift, next to love, that I can give to the kiddos who walk through my classroom door. 
6. LOVE is everything. As I have been reflecting this afternoon, I've brought myself to tears a few times just thinking about my kids, and their lives, and what I want for them in the future. I was inspired to think about this after hearing a special guest speaker Chelonnda Seroyer today. She opened my eyes so wide, and I could never thank her enough. Seriously, check this woman out. She knows what's up, and she is an inspiration.  Anyway, I have been thinking about all that I want and hope and dream for my kiddos, every single one of them who enter the doors of room 9. The outpouring of emotions that I experience, the desires and dreams I have for them, the faith and belief I have in them, and the LOVE I share for them is THE greatest feeling or emotion in the world. This is true love. This is eternal love. I thought I knew love before, but I hadn't experienced the whole thing, the whole experience ... now, I have. And it is the greatest, most unexplainable feeling in the world. 
7. I AM an effective teacher. The last 4 months of my first year of teaching have been a whirlwind, a roller coaster, a mountain, a river, anything you can imagine.. it has happened. I have thought several times about my future, and what I was going to do. Was teaching really for me? Am I cut out for this? Can I survive? What am I doing wrong? Today, after listening, laughing, crying, and reflecting, I can say that yes, I AM AN EFFECTIVE teacher. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. Am I teacher of the year? Certainly not. Can I improve? Absolutely. Do I still have a lot to learn? You bet. BUT --- CAN I DO THIS? YES! And, I can do it effectively. 
8. It's okay to start over. But, it's not okay to look back and wish for it to have changed in the past. You can only change the now. 
9. Teaching is the greatest, most rewarding career available.
10. I was created in the eyes of God to be a teacher, a leader, a supporter, a cheerleader, and a lover. I am doing THE very thing that I was put on this Earth to do, and I love every single minute of it. How cool is that?

If you ever get a chance to see Dr. Harry Wong speak, don't pass it up. If anything, you are given the opportunity to see a CELEBRITY AND self-reflection after PD/Conferences is truly the best! 

Dr. Harry Wong- Effective Teaching Practices


~Ms. Niehaus 

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