Friday, March 14, 2014

Keep Calm, Spring Break is only 8 hours away!

No, seriously. Spring break starts in 8 hours. EIGHT HOURS! 
I used to get so irritated when teachers would count down to breaks like this. Like I have been. Shamelessly. 
And then ... I landed my first real teaching job. 
And I GET IT! Holy smokes! 
I am checked out and ready for a week of sleep, relaxation, hiking, and a visit from my best friend! 
When I taught preschool, I thought I understood. I thought I knew what burnt out was. I thought I knew when it was time for a break. OH NO! 
This is a whole new level.
Don't get me wrong - it's just as grueling in the preschool land. But, it's different! 

The last 4 days in my classroom have not been fun. Not at all. 
I read a quote on Twitter recently asking teachers if they would want to be a student in their classroom. That really stung for me. 
I started thinking - for a long time about my classroom.
We have a lot of fun, we learn a lot, it's loud, and we move around. 
I would say it's fun. 
But lately- that hasn't been the case. At all.
 We have been preparing to test, reviewing to test, teaching to test, and taking tests. It's been BORING!
It's been HORRIBLE for ME.
I can ONLY imagine how awful it has been for their tiny little brains. 

And it doesn't really get any better. 
We have spring break next week. 5 days away! :)
And then, we come back ... :-(

It's a sad face because this it what MY classroom will look like after we come back,

Monday - Normal
Tuesday - Piloting the PARCC assessment ALLLL DAYYY LONGGG

And after that, we have 13 days of classroom time which will be spent soley focusing on "fixing" skills that we didn't grasp on the Galileo test so that we can prepare for AIMS (the state test). 

And after that,

This terrifies me, it saddens me, it frustrates me, and it worries me. I don't want to hate coming to school, and I certainly don't want my kiddos to hate coming to school - BUT WHO LIKES COMING TO SCHOOL TO TAKE TESTS AND PRACTICE TESTS?

Raise your hand if you do --


that's what I thought! :( 

So, as I have been pondering these things, and preparing to not be happy (even after spring break - which is supposed to refresh you) I have decided that I am determined to find a way to make these weeks enjoyable. 

Innovation is going against "normal" and stepping out of the box. Innovation is doing things differently, even when it's scary. I define myself as a teacher, as innovative. I step out of the box. ESPECIALLY at this school, where innovation doesn't happen. So, here's to being innovative - I have an obligation to get these kids to fourth grade - that means they have to pass the state reading test. That means that I have to prepare them for that test. BUT - that doesn't mean that I have to prepare them by giving them practice test questions every day and "fixing" them. 
And ... I have no plan. But I will get there. I will find a way! 

Here are some shares from our classroom and my life this week --

I have gained A LOT of weight this school year. It has been stressful, and emotional, and over-bearing at times. But, I am determined to find a way to still be healthy and active. It's not the same, and it's not easy- but I'm making small progress. I ran the first 5K of the year this past weekend, and I'm gearing up to run an 8K this coming weekend- my longest race ever. EEK! 

The joys of living in Arizona- Spring training! So much fun, and such beautiful weather! 

I Love when my kiddos do silly things like this - they all signed this card and secretly passed it around for me, and then secretly placed it on my desk one day this week. They are the best! :) I wish they had the opportunities to truly be more creative all day long. 

More snail adventures. We did have 2 snails die this week, but they've been active with us-- even a little bit of what looks like "snail fighting"... or "playing" ... the snails did an excellent job of distracting us from the bores of testing all week! :)

So, now what?

Spring break, that's what! 

Back to being excited - because I do deserve this break, and so do the kiddos. 
And because, I can be innovative, and step away from the norm to find a way to make "review" more engaging and fun! 

Happy, Happy, Happy!! 

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