Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Room Nine is ready for Kiddos

It has been such a busy few days in room 9 at Cartwright Elementary School. I wanted to share a few pictures of our learning space! I think we are finally ready for some kiddos -- which is good, because they're coming tomorrow morning and they're ready for me! :) 

This is what I first walked into when I stepped foot on campus...

As you can see... I had a lot of work ahead of me...

Sorting through my personal belongings ... as well as the things that were left for me (which really wasn't much, outside of curriculum) 

And here is what we have ready for tomorrow.... FINALLY! 

Welcome to Third Grade!! :) 

Our Behavior chart is taking a new spin off the traditional red, yellow, and green clip up chart. I am a little nervous about this, but hopefully it will go smoothly! :) 

I LOVED this idea of using dry erase markers on the student desks to write personal messages to students! I wanted to try it out, and wrote motivational phrases for each of the tables for tomorrow! :) 

Guided Reading table! :) 

Teacher Corner --- I don't anticipate spending much time there. 

I sure do love those penguins! :) 

Our Helping Hands Job Chart. Not quite what I had imagined in my head when I was planning the job chart. BUT, I wanted to make sure that there were enough jobs for every student each week. This could also be an interesting aspect to our classroom. 

Back wall! The green bulletin board will be used to describe the steps of our Daily Five program. Hopefully! 

Back corner and sink. 

When you first walk in --- normally, the table bins will be on the two other shelves and students will be responsible for grabbing them every morning and putting them away at night. 
Students will check in for attendance with Popsicle sticks in a cup each morning. 

Our personally designed Kagan mats. :) 

I am so ready for this school year to start, I think.... I hope! 

Ready or not, here comes 2013-2014! Let's do this!

Oh, don't forget to follow our journey on twitter too... @ThirdGradeRoom9

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