Saturday, September 7, 2013

A short week that was jam-packed

Phew! We survived our crazy week! It was only 4 days, but we crammed SO much learning in, that it seemed like a such a long week!
I have my phone back, so I am back to taking many more pictures of the students working. Our main objectives this week were to learn about rounding numbers to the nearest ten and nearest hundred. Rounding to the nearest ten was the easier task here. UNTIL we threw in 4, 5, and 6 digit numbers. I thought I was so prepared with awesome lessons this week, but the kiddos were not grasping the concepts as fast as I anticipated so some of our activities were probably not as beneficial as they should of and could have been. BUT, we survived. The post-assessments showed mixed data. Some students really ended up mastering the concepts, but others were still struggling on Friday. Next week, we are using rounding to estimate sums, so hopefully some more practice will help!! We will get there! I can't believe it's already almost mid- September. Time is flying by so fast!!

Our reading focus this week was back to fiction, and we focused on characters and character traits. They LOVED watching an episode of Charlie Brown about bullying. AND they did SO well listing character traits of the characters. When it coms to reading though, they still seemed to struggle a bit with the concept of re-reading the text to answer the questions about the characters. Hopefully more practice next week with main idea and theme will help!! Practice, Practice, Practice and exposure, exposure, exposure!

We celebrated Joaquin's birthday on Friday. It was a sugary-filled assessment day! I think we had a fun week overall, and would love to share some photos with you!!
But first -- A free TPT product -- we played a game called, Roll, Write and Round this week. Get your copy of the worksheet today! :) Free download!!!

Roll Write Round - TPT

Our week ...

Quiz Quiz Trade ... rounding numbers.... 

More, Quiz Quiz Trade 

Getting some Daily Five time in.... Read to Self 

More read to self... 

and... some listening to reading ... a work in progress that is improving daily! 

Work on writing!! I am working on this ... also! 

Word work --- great opportunity to practice spelling words! 

LOVE read to self time, they think they are so cool because they can sit or lay anywhere in the room! Wait until I bring in pillows! :) 

Word work ... 

Rounding scoot... found on TPT! :) 

More rounding scoot .... 

..and the birthday boy building with the lego candy! 

finished project ... after I knocked it over! :) 

Silly Lego Candy time .. 

oh, and we had cupcakes!! 

Some of us ate them...  others chose to wear the cupcakes! :) 

More Quiz Quiz Trade ... They love the engagement! 

Off to plan for another great week in third grade ... We love room 9! 

Follow us on twitter!! @ThirdgradeRoom9

Happy Football season!!! 

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