Saturday, November 2, 2013

First days of School ....

After reflecting on the Harry Wong presentation on Wednesday, I mentioned that I was ready to start over on Monday. It was going to be like a brand new first day of third grade. I shared this idea with my kiddos. We talked about how things have gotten a little crazy, we aren't following procedures completely, we've made lots of changes, and we are wasting too much time. They seemed to be receptive of this idea. We really did have a great week! :) I will be blogging later about some of the fun things we did this past week, and what's coming up. 
But, tonight, I wanted to share my NEW "First Day of School" powerpoint. This is something that I certainly see myself editing and tweaking as I become a more effective teacher. I would love to edit it so that it features my students actually doing the procedures correctly. However, this is the beginning, and we all have to start somewhere. :)

So, here it is! 

Niehaus - First Day of School

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