Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Birthday to me! :)

So, last week, we celebrated my 26th birthday in room 9. There is no other place in the world that I would rather be on my birthday than in my classroom with students who love me unconditionally. I was so surprised and shocked to receive the extra love and attention from my kiddos. I have to share and brag about some of the goodies I received. We ate cake, and cookies, drank juice, and had a great day! I am so lucky!! 

Before my birthday though, we did have some fun in room 9. We were focusing a lot on inverse relationships and the properties of multiplication. I am very proud of how well the kiddos did on the assessment on Friday, and am excited to see how they continue to grow and learn to be fluent in their multiplication and division facts. We did a scavenger hunt to practice division and using the inverse to help us solve multiplication and division problems. This helped us to prepare for our test on Friday of last week! :)


This week, we had Monday off of school for Veteran's day. We have been busy already during this short week. We are playing a lot of math games including bingo, I have, who has, Top it, and Tic-Tac-Toe. We are using this week to practice our fluency of multiplication facts. We have also been watching the old School House Rock movie, "Multiplication Rock". I have to share some pictures of our games and fun, but I also want to share this picture of Kevin. Kevin missed all of last week because he was in Mexico with his family. He has come back gracefully but Multiplication Rock was very new to him (I introduced it last week) He did not know what to think of it --- and this face shows it all! :) 

Here are some pictures of our writing time, daily five time, hang man during daily five to practice spelling words, and math games and practice! :) 

They are convinced that Clay Matthews would fall in love with me if he ever met me. My students are so sweet, and I wish they were right. They also are very concerned that he would be too rough with me, and would be mean to me because he is scary and hits people so hard! :) These kids seriously crack me up! It amazes me how much they truly pick up about you when you build relationships with them. I received 3 bouquets of flowers for my birthday, including a dozen roses. I have NEVER told them that flowers are my favorite gift to receive but somehow, they knew that I would love those the most! :) 

We did a Mystery Skype today with a class in Iowa. I am so proud of these kids and how much they have grown and continue to grow. I am also so excited to share with them that we have a Skype set up next week for 2 days where we will be skyping with 6th graders from my hometown in Michigan, and we will be trying to guess Mystery Numbers. The kiddos are going to be so excited to know that we are skyping with 6th graders, AND That they will be kids from my hometown. I can't wait to see some of the kiddos that I have been blessed to teach in the past. It will be very heartwarming for me, and I am looking forward to the challenge of solving the puzzles. :) 
We are also hoping to set up another Mystery number Skype next week with another classroom. Learning globally is so fun, and engaging! :) 

I also wanted to share one more new thing that I am doing in my classroom after seeing Harry Wong speak ... We have a morning warm up and an afternoon warm up. We have eliminated some wasted time, and the kids can see their schedule broken down by the morning and the afternoon. The warm up is short and sweet, but gives them something to work on and get started on right away to engage themselves and their brains. :) 

14 days until Thanksgiving break, and I can not wait for the surprises I have in store during that break!! :)

~Ms. Niehaus 

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