Sunday, December 8, 2013

The last week of our second quarter.

Well, holy smokes. Quarter 2 is almost over. We are almost halfway through the school year. Yikes! We just finished up our "instructional" weeks for quarter 2. We have this week of review to polish up some skills and practice for Galileo next week. Next week is our district Galileo testing (Benchmark assessment) for the 2nd quarter. Everything we have learned in quarter 2 will be assessed. I am more nervous this time than I thought I would be. I am trying to tell myself to not worry about these test scores. But, there is just so much pressure on me, and the kids to do well, and perform well, that it's hard to let those nerves go. I think the reason I am most nervous is because I have seen with my eyes how much my kids have grown this quarter. I have seen some of my lowest performing kids make HUGE strides and gains. I can feel their accomplishments, successes and confidence when I look at them each morning. What I am worried about is that Galileo will not. The test is worded weird, asks dumb questions that are irrelevant at times, and in my opinion, does not in fact assess what the students have learned. But, it is what it is, and I can't do anything about it right now. So, I am really focusing on moving on preparing my students the best that I can. 

When I reflect on quarter 2, we have really done some amazing things. We have learned a lot about multiplication and division, their properties, and relationships, and how to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve for missing variables, find rules, and extend patterns. We still struggle a bit with patterns and rules and I am hoping we can touch on that this week during review. However, in math, my kiddos in room 9 are making tremendous gains. I am so proud of the things that they can articulate for me. 
Here are links to some of their videos about solving for missing variables:

P.S I am certain that my students are the most adorable kids I've ever met. 





As you can see, they are not perfect. But, they are adorable. And, I love when they are using their resources to solve. They are learning, and making so much progress. I am so proud of them.

In reading, our latest push has been persuasive language and facts and opinions. We spent a lot of time learning about facts and opinions and how to distinguish the difference. We then moved on to persuasive language with loaded and emotional words. Phew, this was pretty intense and difficult. We wrote persuasive arguments about what the best candy in the world is. Some of us got the concept, and some of us still struggled. But, we are making progress. Slow, but it's there. Check out some of our writing on our kidblog page...

Here are some pictures of our last couple of weeks. I also have included some pictures of our State Project Posters. They turned out great. :) I love that I can include some social studies and geography in our day, even when finding the time to get beyond math and reading is so difficult. My perseverance (or stubbornness) will get us through anything! :)


I love when my kiddos want to read out loud to me... no reason just to read to me!

I started 12 days of Christmas with my kiddos on Thursday. I surprised them with a paper bag, a piece of candy, and a Christmas eraser. Thursday was the first day of Christmas for us. (There were 12 days of school left until break) They were able to decorate their bags and received another prize on Friday. I am excited to see them glow about the gifs they receive each day until break. It truly is the little things that make my heart melt.

And... of course we did a little Quiz, Quiz, Trade action this week...

AND, we Mystery Number Skped with second graders from Wisconsin. My kiddos were excited to ask if they were Packers fans and disappointed to learn that they live so close to Illinois, that only half of the class cheers for my Clay Matthews! :) 

I have to share that as I am reflecting on the week we had, the things we did, and the learning that took place, I am overwhelmed with joy. It is very easy to get stressed out in this profession, and I have so many rough days, so many days where I just break down in tears because I just don't know what to do. But, when I look at these pictures, and when I watch the videos, and when I think about how far we have come in room 9, that is when it sparks. It's all that matters. I love my job. I love these kids. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. 

This week, we prepare for Galileo with games and activities to help us review. We also are participating in our very own Cardboard challenge. I am so excited to see what creativity can come alive in room 9 this week. I am also excited to hear the reflections of my students about their creativity. I love opening their eyes, their minds, and their hearts. This is going to be a great week. 

My last bit for this post ... our class made circle map (I officially was trained in thinking maps this week) :) ... what we learned or did in quarter 2. Don't forget our Frame of Reference: How we learned those things!! 

Until next time ...

~Ms. Niehaus

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