Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review Week! :)

 Our Cardboard Challenge Video --- check out pictures and videos from our week! :)

Our review week went pretty well. Minus me getting sick in the middle of the week. :( But, I think the Cardboard Challenge held the biggest votes for the best part of the week. We had a great time reviewing, playing games, and participating in the creativity of the challenge. See my Cardboard Challenge post here. :) 

This week, we cleaned and organized the room a little bit. We reviewed our major skills, played games, and had fun. We also made Christmas cards to send to our friends in Oklahoma! We are very excited to send and receive cards from our new friends. We LOVE making those global connections! I think we are ready for Galileo week. If not, we are as ready as we can be. I am confident that these kiddos are going to do fantastic. I know they have worked hard this quarter and to me, I am aware of the growth they have made, and very proud of who these third graders are becoming! Third quarter starts after Christmas break, and is full of new skills and concepts. We will certainly be very busy this quarter, and I know we are all looking forward to and are ready for a long break!

This week, after our benchmark testing, we will have a grade level "Polar Express Day". We are watching "The Polar Express", eating fun snacks, and making a Penguin Craft! I am looking forward to a laid back day with all of the third grade friends! :)

Here are some pictures of our week in room 9!

 Our Mystery Number Skype!! :) We Skyped with Third grade friends from Michigan! 

Day One of our Cardboard Challenge! :) 
Day Three of our Cardboard Challenge

Day Two of our Cardboard Challenge 

Some of our Cardboard Challenge Creations

Day Four of our Cardboard Challenge! 

Reviewing Area with some fun outside, and measuring things around campus!! Is it really December?
 I'm not used to this weather! What!?

Happy Last week of school for 2013!! Have a great week!

~Ms. Niehaus 

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