Saturday, January 25, 2014

The first three weeks of 2014

Well... contrary to my actions, one of my goals for 2014 was to become a better blogger, and here we are on January 25th, and I have not a single blog post for 2014 yet. Yikes! Life has gotten in the way, but one thing I've learned this school year is that it's never too late to start over. So, here we go. Lots of learning, and activities have been happening since we returned from Christmas break, so I am getting back into the swing of things with a review of our first couple of weeks in 2014. 

In math, we have been moving very very fast. We have so many standards to teach this quarter before we take our comprehensive Galileo exam in March. We started with a review of odd, and even numbers, ordering and comparing numbers, addition, and subtraction, multiplication and division, and their relationships. This past week, we started with money and counting money, and then moved into fractions. We are going to continue fractions next week before taking another Common formative, and then we will be moving on again. Phew! It's been really fast, and I'm sure entirely effective, but we are doing what we can with what we have, and the time allotted. 

In reading, we have been focusing again on sequencing, predicting, and making connections. We have also talked about identifying the speaker in a fiction text, and then recently moved on to Poetry. Next week, we learn about plays and end our long standard of comparing and identifying fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays. 

In science, we have been wrapping up our kit on sound and the elements of sound. We have not been as engaged with this kit, but are hoping to get more involved and engaged with our next kit. The science test is this coming week, and I am personally ready to move on. :)

In social studies, we spent some time learning about Henry Ford, transportation, and the assembly line. We have also been working a little bit on geography continuously as we continue to find classrooms to Mystery Skype with. We have an exciting Mystery Skype set up for this coming week! 

We have still been reading the first book in the Olivia Brophie series. I can't recommend this book enough. The kids LOVE it and we are spending some time researching animals and things we are learning in this book. We also have great conversations and are totally engaged. We are super excited to finish the book because we want to see what happens, but also because the author, Chris Tozier, has agreed to Skype with us from Florida and answer our questions. How awesome is that!?

And now.. some pictures to summarize what we have been doing. :) My favorite part! 

We created a class instagram account -- Follow us! @NiehausThirdGrade

We talked about predictions with Olivia Brophie. We tweeted our predictions out and Chris Tozier responded to us telling us that more than one of our predictions was going to come true! This validated our learning and brought so much joy to room 9! 

Sorting Odd and Even Numbers! 

Again, we used Olivia Brophie to talk about sequencing. We sequenced the story so far, up to the point we were at. This was awesome, because we started the story before Christmas break, so it was a great review of the book so far! 

Breaking numbers apart! Expanded form, word form, and standard form to express the same number. We are really getting into thinking maps too! :) 

Since moving to Arizona, I have had a hard time with the idea that I don't have a hallway to display student work. It's been a weird transition. I finally decided to use my window space to display some group work! :) It made me feel better and the kids loved being able to see their work outside. 

We had our achievement assembly for all the students who met or exceeded on the quarter 2 Galileo test. They are always very excited to be recognized. We hope to have many more up there for quarter 3! :)

Drop tests to listen to the different sounds that different objects make. We learned how sound is a new property of every object, because different objects make different sounds and we have to use our ears to listen and try to identify objects based on the sound it makes when it is dropped on the table! 

We started playing Words with Friends against other classrooms, including our friends from Oklahoma! Great word practice, and now we love playing Scrabble, and WWF! :) I even have a few friends who request to play against me from home! I love that they are playing with words and using language in a fun way! 

Building relationships is my favorite part of teaching. I love that my students are so in tune with me and my favorites. Occasionally, I hear a "Hey Mrs. Matthews". :) 

We had a curriculum night also. A few friends joined us to make math games! 

I showed the Derrick Coleman commercial and used it as a writing prompt. We talked about not giving up on something just because it's hard or because someone tells us we can't do it. The writing was phenomenal and I was so glad that my kiddos were able to use such a valuable lesson. The next day, we had a class discussion about how he is Deaf, not deth or death. :) Every day is a learning opportunity! 

Here is the video --- instant chills, if not tears! Great story! :) Side note, though- Go Broncos! 


Our new games finally arrived! We are loving exploring them and being creative! 

We learned about Poetry and MLK Jr. at the same time! 

Counting Money and comparing Money with coins and bills! 

 We played trash ball to learn about fractions, drew on our desks, and explored some more with our new games! So much fun!!!

On to plays this week, and word problems in math! Lots and lots more learning to be done. I can't believe we are entering the last week of January. WHOA!

Onto looking for a teaching position for the next school year and trying to get back into Michigan Education. The job hunt is on.

Here's to warmer weather on the way ...

~Ms. Niehaus

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