Monday, April 7, 2014

More review

My biggest struggle lately is that I'm not sure if I remember how to actually teach anymore. I feel like we have been just "reviewing" for so long. And review consists of teaching how the test assesses the problems. It's boring, overwhelming, exhausting, and just plain annoying. We had a review week before the last Galileo test, then a whole week of testing, and then spring break. Ever since returning from spring break, it's been nothing but review. Going over skills we didn't do so well on, trying to hit skills that we didn't do good at all on, and practicing the skills that we did okay on. We have been practicing with Galileo questions in small groups, but still trying to keep engagement by doing centers all week. Of course, it is still review, and as much as I have tried to individualize it, it's not working. This kind of schedule does not work for me. I miss relationships, and conversations. I miss teaching, and seeing light bulbs. I miss learning, and growing. I miss just being a teacher. 

I was thinking this morning about the end of the year. Well, you know we have the countdown already - 33 more wake ups! :) I was thinking about my end of the year review and how I could possibly fit a reflection of this magnitude into a blogpost. Especially me - the one who struggles getting to the point, and not writing for days. But, I was thinking about some of the things I've learned throughout this journey and I realized that it's just so crazy how I learn so many things every single day. Every day, I learn something new about my students, my classroom, my style, my growth, my teaching, my philosophy, my desires, my dreams, my co-workers, my school, my career. Every! Day! 
Every week, I try to adapt to these learnings and tweak things as I go, change plans, schedules, anything to make it better. 
But the one thing that stays consistent is the KIDS. They're mine. They're lovely. They're here, and They're here to learn. I am here for them. My purpose is them, their strength, their growth, and their learning. I love teaching, and learning. I always have. And Its never something that I have to remind myself of, it's just always there. I love everything about being in the classroom. I just can't wait to actually feel like a teacher again, and to also feel like I fit in at a school that I can call home. I have been so lucky in my life to have spent time at amazing schools full of amazing people who really took me and made me feel like part of the school family. I'm ready to feel that again, to feel that relief, love, support, and comfort. 

But. Here I am. One more week of REVIEW. And then, next week, my kiddos take the AIMS state test. It's their first time taking AIMS, and I have no idea what to expect, since I am from Michigan and not familiar with AIMS at all. I have heard that it is easier than the Galileo tests, and I can only hope and pray so. We have one more week of review to really grasp concepts and skills. This is it. IF my kiddos don't pass this reading test, they are retained into third grade again. :( 
As much as I try not worry about it, because I know I've done all I can do, I am still terrified. I have no idea what to expect, and it's literally out of my control after 3:15 on Friday of this week. 

Here are some pictures of our week in Room 9. Busy reviewing, but it didn't stop us from exploring the Butterfly life cycle! :) 

We also had our achievement assembly last week. Almost all the students got an award for meeting or exceeding in at least 1 of the 3 areas on the Quarter 3 Galileo test! 

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